Woocomerce wholesale eshop for electronic store

Completely functional wholesale e-shop in woocomerce for a electronic store in country of cyprus

About this project

Project developed as the main E-shop of the wholesale electronic store located in Cyprus.

In this project the purpose was to create a fully functional E-shop and as it fits in a holesale electronic store such as pk-trisel. After a lot of analysis we came to the conclusion that the platform that will cover us is the Woocomerce. 

The tricky part is that the store is wholesale so we did not want anyone to be able to see prices and add product to the cart. We had to find a way for the store manager to change the role of the registered customer so that he could see prices and buy products. The solution was found with a few lines of code if the user registers as a customer and the administrator does not change his role he can not buy products but only browse to the product catalog.

Technical desc

Τhe tools I used are the following

  • Electro theme for our theme
  • Woocomerce for the cart functionality
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Tsourounis Portfolio | Woocomerce wholesale eshop for electronic store